Friday, August 19, 2016

It's 11:11 .. Make A Wish!

Every time I look at a clock which happens to be 11:11, (a.m. or p.m.)... I feel obligated to say "11:11, make a wish!" I always make a wish on 11:11, and I'm very superstitious about it. I also feel that if I do not notify those around me that it is a special time for wishing, then the EXACT and COMPLETELY EVIL opposite side of my wish will come true.

I also feel that if I look back at the clock, and the time is an even number, such as 11:12, or 11:14, chances are good that my wish will come true. If it's an odd number, like 11:13, or 11:15 (well, not 11:15, that's actually a quarter of an hour, which is an even number). A lot of times, my wish DOES come true, but I make sure to only ask for general things, such as being happy for the rest of the day, or things to go well at work. I'll take it anyway.

I feel that Karma is real -- even if that's the wrong way to describe it. You get what you give. Even if you only think it. Negativity begets negativity, in your mind and in those around you, in a subconscious kind of way. The whole point with 11:11 is that it is a special time of day for me. I have the opportunity to ask for anything I want -- to anything that may be listening. The catch is that I can't ask for anything selfish, and I have to share with everyone that the chance to make a wish has arrived.

Things have been going so well for me lately... I *knock on wood* think that my hard work and struggling has finally paid off.

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